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Showing posts from June, 2023

New Test Tapes from Germany

 I purchased a full set of test tapes (6) from a German ebay seller hanspeterroth, as recommended by Lucky from Here is the link: It includes a full-track 10kHz tape for azimuth head alignment and a mid-track 1kHz tape for head height alignment. The two are essential for full alignment.   I aligned my Nakmichi CR-5 on 6/18/2023 . As shown in the pictures, the head height (middle right gear) is off by a few clicks. Luckily, the recording head have been quite close.  I also purchased the alignment gauge from aliexpress. Not that useful in comparison as what I need is very precise alignment. Update 6/28/2023: Similar alignment was done on the AIWA XK-009, but the locking screw of tape guide tends to get loosened when engaging the tape. I used 3M Scotch Weld TL90J anaerobic adhesive to prevent screw loosening (medium strength ultra low viscosity). Before correcting the alignment (Nakamichi CR-5) After corre...