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Showing posts from January, 2022

My Collections Find a New Home

Back home. My collections are here with me as well.  I have to buy a step-down power convertor for my cassette decks. That Gurkha box to the right of my Nakamichi is the convertor: second hand, kind of beat-up, 2000W. Does the job fine. I also bought a shelf for my cassettes. The shelf is made out of wood and plexiglass (I think it is plexiglass?). The speakers are the Soundartist sc8b. I managed to bring my Japanese doll back (Hanako chan, 花子ちゃん). The glass case is obviously not original. It was custom made by a friend of my uncle. Actually better than the previous one. Unrelated cat photos.

Something I Found by the Shore of Xiamen

I found this structure by the seashore of Xiamen. It might have been a part of an old fort. There might have been some battle. Now, it is apparently surfer heaven.

A "Abandoned" Supermarket in Xiamen, China

A Shrine (top left) Stair (normally people used the escalator) The back of the supermarket The back of the supermarket but a different floor (movie theater). The movie theater was still running.

A Buddhism Temple in Xiamen, China

I did not take any picture of the statues because I was not supposed to.