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Showing posts from July, 2020

Nakamichi CR-5: A Three-Head Cassette Deck

So, I want a three-head Nakamichi. Not a new story. I've been browsing the net to score one with a good condition at a reasonable price. "Reasonable price" might not be a meaningful term here though, because things like these are old and have been discontinued a long time ago. You can argue that their age and rarity make them priceless, or that they are obsolete and worthless. Up to you. Among taping enthusiasts, it is said that a good price is a price that you are willing to pay for. For me, it is a matter of how full my wallet is and how much the same model cost in the past for different conditions.  Hifi Shark  provides information about past sales across different platforms. It helps me a lot in terms of purchase decisions. Nakamichi CR-5 (post focusing with Lumix LX-10) The deck I ended up buying is the Nakamichi CR-5. It is basically a stripped-down version of CR-7 (one of the best cassette decks ever made) with only the lack of some high-end calibration features. C...